

2013年度;修士論文の概要 (金橋 徹)

A series of liver malformations in externally normal human embryos





京都大学大学院医学研究科附属先天異常標本解析センターに保存されている外表奇形を伴わないヒト胚子から、MR顕微鏡で撮像された1156例 (Carnegie stage (CS)14~23)を対象とした。これらは、肝臓形態形成に異常の可能性があるものを抽出するため以下のスクリーニング法を用いて解析を行なった。1)肝臓体積を推定できる式を作成し、各胚子の肝臓体積推定値を算出。2)肝臓体積推定値が各CS平均±2SDを外れる個体を抽出した後、肝臓、並びに周辺器官についてMR画像や三次元再構築像により、形態観察を行ない、抽出した個体から肝臓形態形成異常の可能性が高いものを選抜。選抜個体については、MR顕微鏡よりも高解像度の位相コントラストX線CT(PCT)により再撮像を行ない、胚子内部の詳細な解析を加えた。


肝臓体積推定値によるスクリーニングから、体積推定値が各CS平均+2SD以上の個体が41例(CS14~23)、各CS平均-2SD以下が12例(CS19~21)得られた。計53例について形態観察を行ない、平均+2SD以上の個体41例からExtra-large群として8例(CS17~19)、平均-2SD以下12例からExtra-small群として7例(CS20~21)を選抜し、PCTで再撮像し、胚子内部の解析を行なった。肝臓の形態形成異常はExtra-small群7例全てで観察され、Extra-large群では8例中2例で観察された。Extra-small群7例は以下のように分類された。①肝臓無形成; 2例、②肝臓低形成; 4例、③右葉欠損; 1例。また、7例中5例で肝臓の他、周辺器官に形態形成異常の合併がみられた。Extra-large群では、2例中1例は肝臓のみに異常がみられ、臍帯静脈の拡張が観察された。残り1例は、肝臓並びに周辺器官に形態異常の合併がみられた。肝臓形態形成を認める胚子はCS18からCS21に限定しており、約1.7%(9/532)の割合で出現した。




18. Kanahashi T, Yamada S, Tanaka M, Hirose A, Uwabe C, Kose K, Yoneyama A, Takeda T, Takakuwa T, A novel strategy to reveal the latent abnormalities in human embryonic stages from a large embryo collection, Anatomical Record, 299,8-24,2016  10.1002/ar.23281(概要), *299(1),2016の表紙に採用されました。DOI: 10.1002/ar.23206 (cover page)

軟骨最表層の構造; (藤岡修論) Osteoarthritis Cartilageに掲載

藤岡さんの修士論文「軟骨最表層の構造について」がOsteoarthritis Cartilageに掲載されました。

  • 関節腔に直接面する最表面ゾーン (MSZ) の構造と分子成分をブタ 膝で組織学的に検討
  • MSZ が 3 つの層に細分
  • MSZ の最内側 (3 番目) の層;Collagen subtype I, II, III が存在
  • tangential layer;3 番目の層の下にあり、type II collagenと少量type III collagenが存在

7. Fujioka R, Aoyama T, Takakuwa T, The layered structure of the articular surface, Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 2013, 21, 1092-1098 doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2013.04.021

■ 内容を詳しく>>



Articular cartilage is roughly separated into three areas: the tangential, middle, and deep zones. The structure and molecular components of an additional important zone, the most superficial zone (MSZ), which directly faces the joint cavity, have yet to be conclusively elucidated. The purpose of the present study was to use multiple methods to study the MSZ in order to determine its structure.

Materials and methods

Knees from 16 pigs (age, 6 months) were used. Full-thickness cartilage specimens were harvested from the femoral groove. The MSZ was observed using light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in combination with histochemical and immunohistochemical methods.


The combined findings from the three different observational methods indicate that the MSZ is subdivided into three layers. Among these three layers, collagen subtypes I, II, and III are present in the innermost (third) layer of the MSZ. Beneath the third layer, type II collagen is the predominant type, with small amounts of type III collagen. This layer beneath the third layer is considered to be the tangential layer.


Our observations indicate that the MSZ is subdivided into three layers. Further analysis of the molecular components in each layer may improve our understanding of the structure of the articular surface.


Localization of collagen subtypes, which consist the articular surface







7. Fujioka R, Aoyama T, Takakuwa T, The layered structure of the articular surface, Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 2013, 21, 1092-1098 doi: 10.1016/j.joca.2013.04.021

脈絡叢の形成; Anat Recに掲載(白石修論)


白石くんの修士論文”Morphogenesis of lateral choroid plexus during human embryonic period” -ヒト胚子期における側脳室脈絡叢の形態、組織学的研究-がAnatomical Recordに掲載されました。

  • CS18 – CS23 における脈絡叢 (CP) の形成を検討。
    • CS19 ;CP の原基、尾側に成長した小さな三日月形の塊として検出
    • CS20; 多数の起伏のある表面
    • CS21 で不規則な膨らみを形成、全方向に成長
    • CS23 で尾側表面に 2 つの深裂、 3 つの大きなクラスターを形成
  • 近位領域は未分化な上皮、血管芽細胞が増殖、遠位領域は分化、分葉化した組織を観察

6. Shiraishi N, Nakashima T, Yamada S, Uwabe C, Kose K, Takakuwa T, Morphogenesis of lateral choroid plexus during human embryonic period, Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2013 Apr;296(4):692-700. doi: 10.1002/ar.22662

■ 内容を詳しく>>


The morphological and histological changes of the choroid plexus (CP) during Carnegie stage (CS) 18 and CS23 were presented, based on magnetic resonance imaging data and histological serial section of human embryos from the Kyoto Collection of Human Embryos. The primordium of the CP was initially detected as a small lump at CS19 that grew caudally, so that the CP became crescent shaped. It developed in all directions after CS21, as the dorsal and frontal growth also became prominent. The CP formed a number of undulating surfaces at CS20, irregular bulges at CS21, and then three large clusters with two deep fissures on the caudal surface at CS23. The mean volume of the CP was 0.282±0.141 mm3 at CS19; it reached 16.8±8.77 mm3 at CS23. Additionally, the histology was different depending on the regions of the CP at all stages after CS20. The epithelium and angioblasts in the center of the stroma were proliferated in the proximal region, whereas the epithelium was differentiated and lobulated in the distal region where the blood vascular system was organized. The histological differentiation was mapped on the CP reconstructed from histological serial sections. The data suggested the correlation between morphological information obtained from magnetic resonance data sets and distribution of the differentiation. With the help of morphological analysis and histological findings, we have been able to categorize each CP into specific stages. These findings will be useful in clinical evaluation of development during the embryonic period.


Morphogenesis of lateral choroid plexus during human embryonic period


結果;脈絡叢をCSごとに三次元立体化することで、その形態形成や表面の形状に特徴的な変化がみられた。CS20ではなだらかな表面であったが、CS21、22では多くの不規則な凹凸が観察された。しかしCS23ではそれらは観察されず、代わりに3カ所の大きな隆起が観察された。これはCS21、22からLobulationが盛んになり、CS23では水腫様に膨張し、Lobulationが少なくなるという組織観察での所見と合致している。CS23で観察された3カ所の大きな隆起は、胎児期にみられる毛細血管構造に合致していると考えられた。脈絡叢体積はCS19で0.282±0.141mm3 からCS23で16.8±8.77 mm3と約60倍に急速に増加した。同時期の側脳室に対する側脳室脈絡叢の割合は4.84±2.52%から21.5±4.13%と側脳室脈絡叢は側脳室に対して、より急速に増大していた。組織学的な観察ではCS21では低分化な領域(前方、正中側)と高分化な領域(後方、外側)が観察された。低分化な領域では造血や血管生成が盛んに行なわれており、上皮は偽重層したままであった。高分化な領域ではLobulationが進み、間質には血管が既に完成しており、上皮は単層で細胞質にはグリコーゲンだと考えられる空胞を有していた。これらの観察結果から、側脳室脈絡叢はparaphysisに対して近位の部分で主に増殖し、分化したのち、遠位部分に押し出されていくのではないかと考えられた。組織学的に低分化な領域は前方、正中側に存在するなだらかな表面の領域に合致し、高分化な領域は不規則な凹凸や、大きな隆起のある領域に合致した。

4. Shiraishi N, Nakashima T, Yamada S, Uwabe C, Kose K, Takakuwa T, Morphogenesis of lateral choroid plexus during human embryonic period, Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2013 Apr;296(4):692-700. doi: 10.1002/ar.22662

ヒト胎児の肝臓形態形成; Hepatol Resに掲載(濱部卒論)

濱部さんの卒論がHepatol Resに掲載されました

  • 妊娠中期(16〜28週)の肝臓形成の過程を検討
  • 胎児期の肝臓は体重の増加に伴って横径・縦径・厚みすべてが増大
  • 縦径に比べ、横径、厚みの増加が顕著
  • 体幹部の成長に伴って肝臓も同じ比率で成長
  • 分葉の割合はほぼ一定

5.Hamabe Y, Hirose A, Yamada S, Takakuwa T et al, Morphology and Morphometry of Fetal Liver at 16–26 Weeks of Gestation by Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Comparison with Embryonic Liver at Carnegie Stage 23, Hepatol Res,2013; 43: 639–647, doi: 10.1111/hepr.12000



Normal liver growth was described morphologically and morphometrically using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data of human fetuses, and compared with embryonic liver to establish a normal reference chart for clinical use.


MRI images from 21 fetuses at 16–26 weeks of gestation and eight embryos at Carnegie stage (CS)23 were investigated in the present study. Using the image data, the morphology of the liver as well as its adjacent organs was extracted and reconstructed three-dimensionally. Morphometry of fetal liver growth was performed using simple regression analysis.


The fundamental morphology was similar in all cases of the fetal livers examined. The liver tended to grow along the transversal axis. The four lobes were clearly recognizable in the fetal liver but not in the embryonic liver. The length of the liver along the three axes, liver volume and four lobes correlated with the bodyweight (BW). The morphogenesis of the fetal liver on the dorsal and caudal sides was affected by the growth of the abdominal organs, such as the stomach, duodenum and spleen, and retroperitoneal organs, such as the right adrenal gland and right kidney. The main blood vessels such as inferior vena cava, portal vein and umbilical vein made a groove on the surface of the liver. Morphology of the fetal liver was different from that of the embryonic liver at CS23.


The present data will be useful for evaluating the development of the fetal liver and the adjacent organs that affect its morphology.

ヒト胚子脳胞のmorphometry; Congenit Anomに掲載(中島修論)

中島さんの修士論文がCongenit Anomに掲載されました。

  • 胚子期の脳神経管と脳室の平面・立体像を作成し検討。
  • 脳胞背側長、腹側長はCS18からCS23の間は増加し、背側の方が増加量が4.2倍高い
  • 前脳の増加量が最も高く背側は腹側の3倍以上
  • これらの結果は、胚子期の脳胞発生の特徴である終脳の急速な増大を反映

2.Nakashima T, Hirose A, Yamada S, Uwabe C, Kose K, Takakuwa T, Morphometric analysis of the brain vesicles during the human embryonic period by magnetic resonance microscopic imaging, Congenit Anom (Kyoto). 2012 Mar;52(1):55-8, doi; 10.1111/j.1741-4520.2011.00345.x


The development of the brain vesicles between Carnegie stages (CS) 17 and 23 was analyzed morphometrically using 177 magnetic resonance image data derived from the Kyoto Collection of Human Embryos. Whole embryonic volume was 106.55 ± 21.08 mm3 at CS17, exponentially increasing to CS23 when it reached 1357.28 ± 392.20 mm3. Length of brain vesicles was 29.83 ± 2.52 mm at CS17, increased almost linearly and reached 49.31 ± 6.66 mm at CS23. The rate of increase was approximately 4.2 times higher on the dorsal side than on the ventral side. The increase in the length of the brain vesicles resulted mainly from that of the prosencephalon, and the rate of increase was three times higher on the dorsal side than on the ventral side of the prosencephalon.

神楽所さんの卒論がHead Face Medicineに掲載

神楽所さんの卒論「外耳の動きをdifferential growthで説明する」がHead Face Medicineに掲載されました。

『ヒト胚子期に外耳は顔の側方を頭側に大きく移動する』と、多くの発生学の教科書に記載されている。 この動きは”移動 (migration)”ではなく ”分化・成長 (differential growth)” で説明できることを、われわれ は、MRIデータを用いて、個体の中心に基準点をおき、位置変化の絶対値を検討することで明らかにした。 実際の観察では、目や口といった顔の表面にある解剖学的基準をもとに相対的な動きとしてとらえため、外耳は移動してみえるのである。Head Face Med. 2012 Feb 1;8(1):2.

  • 外耳の動きが成長差によって説明できるかどうかを検討
  • 動きの評価のために、2 つの異なる基準軸を選択
  • 下垂体とC1を基準軸; 外耳は主に横方向に移動し、頭側には動かない
  • 表面ランドマーク(眼と口を基準軸); 外耳は尾側外側腹領域から眼、口の間に移動
  • 外耳が眼や口などの顔の他のランドマークとの相対的な位置関係がある場合、外耳は頭側で動いているように見える
  • 結果は、外耳と内耳を含むすべての解剖学的ランドマークの動きが、Differential growthによって説明可能なことを示す

3. Kagurasho M, Yamada S, Uwabe C, Kose K, Takakuwa T, Movement of the external ear in human embryo, Head Face Med. 2012 Feb 1;8(1):2, doi: 10.1186/1746-160X-8-2


External ears, one of the major face components, show an interesting movement during craniofacial morphogenesis in human embryo. The present study was performed to see if movement of the external ears in a human embryo could be explained by differential growth. In all, 171 samples between Carnegie stage (CS) 17 and CS 23 were selected from MR image datasets of human embryos obtained from the Kyoto Collection of Human Embryos. The three-dimensional absolute position of 13 representative anatomical landmarks, including external and internal ears, from MRI data was traced to evaluate the movement between the different stages with identical magnification. Two different sets of reference axes were selected for evaluation and comparison of the movements. When the pituitary gland and the first cervical vertebra were selected as a reference axis, the 13 anatomical landmarks of the face spread out within the same region as the embryo enlarged and changed shape. The external ear did move mainly laterally, but not cranially. The distance between the external and internal ear stayed approximately constant. Three-dimensionally, the external ear located in the caudal ventral parts of the internal ear in CS 17, moved mainly laterally until CS 23. When surface landmarks eyes and mouth were selected as a reference axis, external ears moved from the caudal lateral ventral region to the position between eyes and mouth during development. The results indicate that movement of all anatomical landmarks, including external and internal ears, can be explained by differential growth. Also, when the external ear is recognized as one of the facial landmarks and having a relative position to other landmarks such as the eyes and mouth, the external ears seem to move cranially.