先天研開設40周年記念号がAnatomical Recに掲載されました。 金橋君が2018年度日本先天異常学会奨励賞を受賞しました。おめでとうございます。 Kanahashi T, Yamada S, Tanaka M, Hirose A, Uwabe C, Kose K, Yoneyama A, Takeda T, Takakuwa T, A novel strategy to reveal the latent abnormalities in human embryonic stages from a large embryo collection, Anatomical Record, 299,8-24,2016 10.1002/ar.23281(概要), *299(1),2016の表紙に採用されました。DOI: 10.1002/ar.23206 (cover page) 石川さんの論文がAnatmial Recordに掲載されました。 内耳のうち膜迷路、骨迷路の間にあるperiotic spaceの形成に着眼したユニークな論文です。図が表紙に採用されました!!
32. Ishikawa A, Ohtsuki S, Yamada S, Uwabe C, Imai H, Matsuda T, Takakuwa T. Formation of the periotic space during the early fetal period in humans, Anat Rec, 2018, 301(4);563-570, 10.1002/ar.23764, 10.1002/ar.23657 AbstractThe inner ear is a very complicated structure, composed of a bony labyrinth (otic capsule; OC), membranous labyrinth, with a space between them, named the periotic labyrinth or periotic space. We investigated how periotic tissue fluid spaces covered the membranous labyrinth three-dimensionally, leading to formation of the periotic labyrinth encapsulated in the OC during human fetal development. Digital data sets from magnetic resonance images and phase-contrast X-ray tomography images of 24 inner ear organs from 24 human fetuses from the Kyoto Collection (fetuses in trimesters 1 and 2; crown—rump length: 14.4–197 mm) were analyzed. The membranous labyrinth was morphologically differentiated in samples at the end of the embryonic period (Carnegie stage 23), and had grown linearly to more than eight times in size during the observation period. The periotic space was first detected at the 35-mm samples, around the vestibule and basal turn of the cochlea, which elongated rapidly to the tip of the cochlea and semicircular ducts, successively, and almost covered the membranous labyrinth at the 115-mm CRL stage or later. In those samples, several ossification centers were detected around the space. This article thus demonstrated that formation of the membranous labyrinth, periotic space (labyrinth), and ossification of the OC occurs successively, according to an intricate timetable. 多元計算解剖学第4回国際シンポジウム(The 4th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy)で発表しました。(3/2-2/3, 東京大学) A02-KB107 Analysis of Central Nervous System and Skeletal System During Human Early-fetal Period Based on Multidisciplinary Computational Anatomy -Progress Overview FY 2017- (PI:Tetsuya Takakuwa) 2017年度; 修士論文発表会が行われました(2018.0207; 杉浦ホール) ヒト胚子期における腎盂形成の三次元的解析 石山 華 【背景】腎盂の発生はCarnegie Stage(CS)14頃に始まる。この発生過程については、組織切片を用いた平面的な研究が主であり、CSに沿った報告としてShikinamiの報告がある。 37. Ishiyama H, Ishikawa A, Imai H, Matsuda T, Yoneyama A, Yamada S, Takakuwa T. Spatial relationship between the metanephros and adjacent organs according to the Carnegie stage of development. Anat Rec (Hoboken) 2019. 302, 1887-2104. DOI: 10.1002/ar.24103 34. Ishiyama H, Ishikawa A, Kitazawa H, Fujii S, Matsubayashi J, Yamada S, Takakuwa T, Branching morphogenesis of the urinary collecting system in the human embryonic metanephros, PLoS One 13(9): e0203623. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0203623 |