

吉田さんの卒論がCongenit Anomに掲載

スクリーンショット 2016-08-03 12.56.41

吉田さんの卒論がCongenit Anomに掲載されました。胎児の脳溝形成の様子をGyrification Indexを用いて解析しました。また、同号の表紙に、論文のFigureが採用されました。

  • 16 -40 週の大脳の脳溝形成について、GI値を用いて検討
  •  GI 値は、体重500g(CRL 200 mm )まで約 1.0(脳溝なし)
  • その後、GI値は体重と CRL に相関して増加(脳溝形成あり)
  • 妊娠21週で一次脳溝とGIのピークが対応
  • 31-40週数で前頭側頭領域よりも頭頂後頭領域でGI値は増加
1409g の胎児の脳の左側面図とGI値。

Gyrification index (GI) of brain slices in a left lateral view of the brain in a 1409g fetus. The line graph above the brain shows the GI of each slice below it. The GI of the whole hemisphere changed in the rostro-caudal dimension. Several maxima of the GI curve appeared in relation to gross landmarks. Further details can be seen in the article by Yoshida et al. in this issue.

27. Yoshida R, Koichi Ishizu K, Yamada S, Chigako Uwabe C, Okada T, Togashi K, Takakuwa T, The dynamics of gyrification in the human cerebral cortex during development, Congenit Anom, 57 (1) 8-14, 2017, DOI: 10.1111/cga.12179, 10.1111/cga.12181


This study quantitatively characterized cortical gyrus folding over human neocortical development by calculating the gyrification index (GI) in 22 human fetal specimens from 16 to 40 weeks with magnetic resonance imaging data. GI values remained constant at approximately 1.0 until the fetal specimens reached 500 g body weight and 200 mm crown-rump length (CRL), respectively, and then increased in correlation with the body weight and CRL. The rostrocaudal GI distribution in the cerebral cortex revealed a correspondence of GI peaks with indentations of early-generated primary sulci at 21 weeks of gestation and more frequently increased GI values in the parieto-occipital region than in the fronto-temporal region at 31 and 40 weeks of gestation. These results provide a quantitative reference set for gyrification in normal human cortical development, which may help reveal the mechanism of neurodevelopmental disorders.



Blechschmidt collectionという有名なヒト胚子コレクションに収められているガラススライド標本をデジタル画像に収めて来ました。今後、研究に活用する予定です。

Anat Recに総説を掲載

本研究室で行われているヒト胚子・胎児研究についてまとめた総説がAnatomical Recに掲載されました。


  • 形態計測分析に適した平面の抽出、
  • 形態学的観察の効率化。
  • 発生の特徴を定量的に評価、実証、異常なサンプルのスクリーニング
  • 超音波検査データを比較
  • 解剖学的ランドマークの 3D 座標は
  • 位置変化とそれらの関係を分析するために有用
  • 3D 座標を使用した微分成長の説明
  • 統計分析、数学的分析に応用


30. Takakuwa T, 3D analysis of human embryos and fetuses using digitized datasets from the Kyoto Collection, Anat Rec 2018, 301,960-969 doi: 10.1002/ar.23784 (英文で読む)


Three-dimensional (3D) analysis of the human embryonic and early-fetal period has been performed using digitized datasets obtained from the Kyoto Collection, in which the digital datasets play a primary role in research. Datasets include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) acquired with 1.5 T, 2.35 T, and 7 T magnet systems, phase-contrast X-ray computed tomography (CT), and digitized histological serial sections. Large, high-resolution datasets covering a broad range of developmental periods obtained with various methods of acquisition are key elements for the studies. The digital data have gross merits that enabled us to develop various analysis. Digital data analysis accelerated the speed of morphological observations using precise and improved methods by providing a suitable plane for a morphometric analysis from staged human embryos. Morphometric data are useful for quantitatively evaluating and demonstrating the features of development and for screening abnormal samples, which may be suggestive in the pathogenesis of congenital malformations. Morphometric data are also valuable for comparing sonographic data in a process known as “sonoembryology.” The 3D coordinates of anatomical landmarks may be useful tools for analyzing the positional change of interesting landmarks and their relationships during development. Several dynamic events could be explained by differential growth using 3D coordinates. Moreover, 3D coordinates can be utilized in mathematical analysis as well as statistical analysis. The 3D analysis in our study may serve to provide accurate morphologic data, including the dynamics of embryonic structures related to developmental stages, which is required for insights into the dynamic and complex processes occurring during organogenesis. Anat Rec, 301:960–969, 2018.

尾関さんの修論がAnat Recに掲載


尾関さんの修士論文のうち、中耳耳小骨の形成と外耳、内耳との立体的位置関係についてAnat Recに掲載されました。

MEO の形成と外耳と内耳の接続のタイムラインを決定しました。

  • 軟骨頭蓋は、CS18 までに認識可能
  • 軟骨形成開始は耳小骨(MEO)間で若干の相違。
  • CS19;槌骨、キヌタ骨、アブミ骨の順序で、前後方向に配置 CS22以降;MEO同士が関節を介し接続。
  • CS21以降にすべてのMEOの軟骨形成を確認
  • CS23;アブミ骨基底部分はfoot plate状ではない
  • ツチ骨のハンドルは 外耳道からは離れている
  • 耳介軟骨と耳嚢の軟骨膜境界は明確

26. Ozeki-Satoh M, Ishikawa A, Yamada S, Uwabe C, Takakuwa T. Morphogenesis of the Middle Ear Ossicles and Spatial Relationships with the External and Inner Ears during the Embryonic Period, Anat Rec 299:1325–1337, 2016, DOI 10.1002/ar.23457


We describe the three-dimensional morphogenesis of the middle ear ossicles (MEOs) according to Carnegie stage (CS) in human embryos. Seventeen samples including 33 MEOs from CS18 to 23 were selected from the Kyoto Collection. The primordia of the MEOs and related structures were histologically observed and three-dimensionally reconstructed from digital images. The timing of chondrogenesis was variable among structures. The stapes was recognizable as a vague condensation of the mesenchymal cells in all samples from CS18, whereas the malleus and incus were recognizable at CS19. Chondrogenesis of all MEOs was evident in all samples after CS21. The chondrocranium was recognizable in all samples by CS18, and the perichondrium border of the auricular cartilage and otic capsule was distinct in all samples at CS23. At CS19, the MEOs were positioned in the anterior to posterior direction, following the order malleus, incus, stapes, which adjusted gradually during development. The MEOs connected in all samples after CS22. The stapes was located close to the vestibular part of the inner ear, although the basal part was not differentiated into the “footplate” form, even at CS23. The handles of the malleus were close to the tubotympanic recess at CS23, but were distant from the external auditory meatus. Determining the timeline of the formation of MEOs and connection of the external and inner ears can be informative for understanding hearing loss caused by failure of this connection. These data may provide a useful standard for morphogenesis, and will contribute to distinguishing between normal and abnormal MEO development. 

Willis輪の形成についての論文Congenit Anomに掲載

Willis輪の発生(CS21); variationが多くみられる
Willis輪の発生(CS21); variationが多くみられる


  • Willis輪がCS22ころ完成すること
  • 胚子期後期でもvariationが多くみられること
  • Willis輪が未完成の標本が、成長に伴い完成したかはあきらかでないこと

25. Takakuwa T, Koike T, Muranaka T, Yamada S, Uwabe C. 2016. Formation of the circle of Willis during human embryonic development. Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 2016; 56, 233–236, DOI: 10.1111/cga.12165


The circle of Willis (CW) is a circulatory anastomosis that supplies blood to the brain and adjacent structures. We examined the timing of formation of CW in 20 Japanese human embryo samples by using 3-dimensional reconstruction of serial histological sections. The CW was closed in 1 (n = 6), 2 (n = 8), 2 (n = 3) and 2 (n = 3) samples at Carnegie stages 20, 21, 22, and 23, respectively. The CW was unclosed in 13 samples (unclosed at ACOM alone, 6 samples; ACOM and bilateral P1, 4; left PCOM and right P1, 1; right PCOM and right P1, 1; ACOM and left PCOM, 1). It was difficult to predict whether the circle would close during further development, as such variations frequently exist in adults.

新学術領域研究「多元計算解剖学」 第2回サマーワークショップ

%e3%82%b9%e3%82%af%e3%83%aa%e3%83%bc%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b7%e3%83%a7%e3%83%83%e3%83%88-2016-09-16-11-55-35新学術領域研究「多元計算解剖学」第2回サマーワークショップに参加しました。(2016年8月30-31日, 大阪)








MRIdataを用いてヒト胚子期の脳形成を立体的に観察、計測しました。(Neuroimage 2015) 、修士終了後もデータの整理、論文作成を継続し、成果に結びつけました。おめでとうございます。


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白石 直樹、山中 美希、山田 重人、上部千賀子、巨瀬 勝美、高桑 徹也:ヒトにおける胚子~胎児期の脳形態形成の解析IMG_0722

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