

尾関さんの修論が Congenit Anomに掲載


尾関さんの修士論文のうち、ヒト外耳の形態形成に関する内容がCongenit Anom (日本先天異常学会誌)に受諾されました。500例以上の外耳観察の成果です。

  • CS19-23 間の耳介の形成を検討
  • 耳介をStreeter の基準に修正を加えて 11 stepに分類
  • 各 CS の代表的なstepは、CS16-23 の間にstep 3 -11 に移行、
  • いくつかのステップでは隣接する CS 間で重複
  • CS19 と CS23 の間の耳介の観察は、Stagingを決定するために利用可能

21. Ozeki-Sato M, Yamada S, Uwabe C, Ishizu K, Takakuwa T, Correlation of external ear auricle formation with staging of human embryos, Congenit Anom (Kyoto) 56, 86-90, 2016, DOI: 10.1111/cga.12140, . (概要),


The formation of auricles in human embryos was evaluated between Carnegie stage (CS)19 and CS23, and the findings were correlated across the stages. The auricle was categorized into 11 steps according to Streeter’s criteria with modifications. Mesenchyme cell condensation was observed at Step 7, and two layers of cartilage consisting of the auricle were recognized at Step11. The representative steps at each CS shifted from Step 3 to Step11 during CS16 and CS23, although several steps overlapped between adjacent CSs. These results indicate that observations of the auricle between CS19 and CS23 may be utilized for determining embryo staging as convincing supportive evidence of external features reflecting the internal histological structure, although other findings should also be taken into account.
