26. Formation of tendinous intersections in the human fetal rectus abdominis. MRIを用いたヒト胎児腹直筋における腱画形成過程の解析 岩佐結生
25. Comparison of Left-Right Differences in Major Blood Vessel Diameter in Human Fetuses. ヒト胎児における主要血管径の左右差の比較検討 中井尚一
24. Three-dimensional analysis of the area around the ankle joint in the human fetus ヒト胎児期における足関節周辺の三次元解析 松田幸樹
23. Three-dimensional analysis of the umbilical vein and the ductus venous at the human embryonic and early fetal stages. ヒト胚子期・胎児期初期における臍帯静脈と静脈管の3次元的解析 磯谷菜穂子
22. Morphogenesis of the pulmonary vein and the left atrial appendage in human embryos and early fetuses. ヒト胚子・胎児期初期における肺静脈・左心耳の形態形成 福井成美
21. Three-dimensional imaging analysis of developmental process of posterior meniscofemoral ligament in rat embryo. ラット胎仔における後半月大腿靭帯の発生機序の三次元的解析 石田かのん(青山研)
20. Return of the intestinal loop and superior mesenteric artery to the abdominal coelom after physiological umbilical herniation.生理的臍帯ヘルニアの還納過程における3次元的解析 掛谷真樹
19. Fixation of the colorectum in the abdominal coelom during normal human developmentヒト胎児期における大腸の還納、固定時期の解析 黄 柔婷
18. The early development of the cortical layers in human embryonic brain. ヒト胚子における大脳層構造の初期発生 寺島芽衣
17. Dynamic change in oronasal region during secondary palate fusion: Three-dimensional analysis using morphometrics二次口蓋癒合に伴う口鼻腔領域の形態変化:形態測定学的手法を用いた三次元解析 野原 葵
16. Three-dimensional analysis of the human laryngeal and tracheal cartilages during the late embryonic and early fetus periodヒト胚子期・胎児期初期における喉頭軟骨・気管軟骨の3次元的解析 山崎 優
15. Interrelationship between renal corpuscles and branching of the urinary collecting system during human embryonic development: Three-dimensional analysis using serial histological sections
ヒト胚子期における腎小体形成と集合管系形成の関連性 北沢 遙
14. Morphogenesis of the femur at different stages of normal human development
ヒト胎児期初期における大腿骨の形態形成の解析 鈴木裕子
13. Myocardial fiber histogenesis during human early fetal period using diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) 高解像度MRI(DTI)を用いたヒト胎児期初期の心筋線維の形成 西谷早織
12. ヒト胚子期における腎盂形成の三次元的解析 石山 華
Three-dimensional morphogenesis of the renal pelvis in the human embryonic metanephros
11. ヒト胚子期における気管支分岐形成の三次元的解析 村中太河
Three-dimensional analysis of the human bronchial branching development during the embryonic period
10. ヒト器官形成期における視覚器の発達についての3次元的解析 大坂美穂
Three-dimensional analysis of the human optic organ during the embryonic and early post-embryonic period
9.The digestive tract and derived primordium differentiate by following a precise timeline in early human embryos
ヒト体節期における消化管とその由来原基の分化時系列の解析 上野沙季
8.ヒト聴覚器の各発生段階の形態学的解析 尾関舞美
Developmental stages of human auditory organ during Embryonic Period
7.A series of liver malformations in externally normal human embryos
ヒト胚子期における肝臓形態形成異常の解析 金橋 徹
6.Morphogenesis of lateral choroid plexus during human embryonic period
ヒト胚子期における側脳室脈絡叢の形態、組織学的研究 白石直樹
5.Localization of collagen subtypes, which consist the articular surface
軟骨再表層の構造について 藤岡瑠音
The influence to the liver morphogenesis by surrounding organ in human embryo 廣瀬あゆみ
Morphometric analysis of neural tube during human embryonic period 中島崇
Hras1 is one of the common integration sites of MLV in early pre-B lymphomas in SL/Kh mice 金谷和哉
1.B-lymphoblastic lymphoma(B-LBL)を自然発症するSL/Khマウスにおける内因性レトロウイルスの特定
Identification of sites of ecotropic MuLV provirus on SL/Kh strain mice that have high incidence of spontaneous B-lymphoblastic lymphoma (B-LBL) 丸山泰弘